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mexican americans california matches 4 work(s)
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Cover for 9781877741111 Cover for 9781566392020 Cover for 9780804721882
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The author of Drink Cultura: Chicanismo presents nearly two dozen short pieces including essays on the Mambo dance of el Diablo, the 1943 Los Angeles Zoot Suit riots, NAFTA, and the defense of the jalapeno. Original. IP.


9781877741111 | Joshua Odell Editions, April 1, 1995, cover price $15.95 | About this edition: The author of Drink Cultura: Chicanismo presents nearly two dozen short pieces including essays on the Mambo dance of el Diablo, the 1943 Los Angeles Zoot Suit riots, NAFTA, and the defense of the jalapeno.

cover image for 9781566392020


9780877228905 | Temple Univ Pr, August 1, 1992, cover price $65.50


9781566392020 | Reprint edition (Temple Univ Pr, January 25, 1994), cover price $31.95

cover image for 9780804721882
By Katrina Burgess (editor) and Abraham F. Lowenthal (editor)


9780804721882 | Stanford Univ Pr, November 1, 1993, cover price $75.00

By Carlos E. Cortes (introduced by), S. C. Foster (contributor) and J. S. Griffin (contributor)


9780405095351 | Ayer Co Pub, June 1, 1976, cover price $34.95

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